T-43 days

The story begins today, in Brunswick, Maine, because what better way to procrastinate studying for finals than start a study abroad blog?

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The first order of business is explaining pepperflips to you. Here at Bowdoin, we maintain a tradition of daring each other to do ridiculous things and throwing a pepper shaker up in the air to determine if the target must actually follow through with said dare. If the shaker lands upright, it’s a go, and if it lands on its head, the instigator must do his or her own dare.

pepper shaker

Further rules:

  1. Pepperflips may only be performed at meals and in dining halls.
  2. No flipping practice is allowed.
  3. Each person is allotted one (1) flip per meal.
  4. Whichever way the pepper shaker lands, that person is contractually bound to do the thing required.

I bring up pepperflips because one flip in particular is going to drastically change my DIS experience. You see, Essie pepperflipped me to marry a great dane.

great dane

The only way I can get out of this fate is by interpreting the flip as an instruction to marry a great Dane.

T-43 days